VENENO NEGRO (DEVELOPMENT)Panama - Drama - 90 min
Genre: Drama - Crime Directed by: María Isabel Burnes SYNOPSIS: Alicia, a forensic doctor about to turn 50 who lives in a boring town with a monotonous routine becomes obsessed with investigating the suspicious death of a local policeman, a possible crime that ends up causing an awakening in her life. FUNDS: - Panama Film Fund - Development 2023 THE DIRECTOR:
Panamanian filmmaker, founder of Too Much Productions, a production company that promotes female talent, which has produced the feature films: "Panquiaco" (2020) world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam and "Algo Azul" (2021) acquired by HBO Max and Amazon Prime platforms. Her directorial debut “Tumbadores”(2024) premiered at the Festival Internacional de Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana. PREVIOUS WORK: |